
How To Start a Dispensary in Washington

How To Open a Dispensary

How To Start a Dispensary in Washington

The debate has been raging for some time now about whether or not marijuana is effective in the treatment and pain management of certain illnesses. Despite the fact that patients suffering from the likes of depression, Alzheimer’s and some aggressive forms of cancer have reported an easing of pain and suffering thanks to marijuana, the government still seems hell bent on preventing those people from having access to the very substance that could help them get through their daily lives.

The fight for access to medical marijuana is now being fought on a state level, and at the current time there are 16 states, plus Washington, which have recognized the positive effects of cannabis. That doesn’t mean that the whole issue is clear cut, even in those 16 states, and that is no more apparent than in Washington where trying to open a marijuana dispensary are quickly discovering the large gray areas that are shading the existing law.

Although medical marijuana can be prescribed in Washington, the government is quick to point out that this is not legalization per se, and the Supreme Court of Washington muddied the waters further by speaking in the sort of legalese that does nothing to help those who want a clear answer. Their decision, which was passed down on Jan 1, 2010 stated, “I-692 did not legalize marijuana, but rather provided an authorized user with an affirmative defense if the user shows compliance with the requirements for medical marijuana possession.”

Basically, what it all boils down to is that users are allowed a 60 day supply of medical marijuana, which is a number defined by the state. At present time, a 60 day supply constitutes 15 plants and a 24 oz. usable supply. If you want to open a dispensary, then the best way to go about it is to make sure that all of your permits and licenses are in order and in complete compliance with the laws of the state, as well as in the county in which you plan to operate.

There are a few steps to take before applying for the licenses and permits required to open a dispensary, and that begins by setting your company up as a non-profit corporation, with it being recommended that you set it up as a collective. Our free email course below will guide you step by step as you want to be sure that all the paperwork is properly filled out.

The next step is to sign a lease, as a business address is required before you can submit your application. Before the dispensary can open for business, you will have to obtain your license, which usually comes with an annual fee in the region of $100, and also make sure to keep track of transactions, all of which are taxable. The process sounds simple, but you may run into a fair amount of red tape along the way; being sure to follow all the necessary steps will allow you to have the scissors which will help you cut through it.

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