
Hydroponics Nutrients

In a landmark choice, Oregon regulators have given first-ever official US approval to a brand of medical marijuana hydroponics nutrients.

Oregon and most other states have regulatory agencies that examine fertilizers and hydroponics plant supplements to establish the legitimacy, ingredients and effectiveness of plant growth products.

Advanced Nutrients co-founder Michael Straumietis welcomes the news that Oregons government proffered formal approval for an Advanced Nutrients formula created for a specific strain of medical marijuana.

Regulatory approval is a breakthrough for the medical marijuana community, Straumietis explains. For the 1st time, government regulators have examined and affirmed the use of crop-distinct medical marijuana hydroponics nutrients.

Until Straumietis asked regulators to evaluate the medical marijuana effectiveness and safety of Advanced Nutrients hydroponics formulas, regulators nationwide had apparently in no way deemed how hydroponics nutrients specifically have an effect on medical marijuana crops.

”It hasnt been part of the discussion, till now,” Straumietis explains. For example, when fertilizer regulators evaluate fertilizers that have labels claiming to produce larger tomatoes, they need distinct efficacy information proving those claims. Now Oregon regulators have opened the door for formal evaluation of hydroponics nutrients and medical marijuana growth, quality and yield.

Oregon medical marijuana patients, cultivators, physicians and advocates applauded the regulatory choice, citing their long-held concern that regulators were not looking at how hydroponics nutrients interact with medical marijuana.

Advanced Nutrients and the medical marijuana community give kudos to Oregon regulators for being the first state regulators to evaluate the science of medical marijuana and hydroponics nutrients, Straumietis says. Our community is looking for similar action from regulators in other medical marijuana states.

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